
A Pinch of Folk - A Dash of Jazz (featuring Danville and Jerry Way)

(Livestream Concert)

After much thought and discussion, it was decided that the safest and best path to pursue with “Hot off the Press” is to reschedule the show for March 2022. It seems inconceivable that this will be the second year in a row without a Jerry Way original musical filling the auditorium with music and laughter, but these are unusual times. However, we will not leave you stranded!

Danville and Jerry Way are pairing up to provide a livestream concert called A Pinch of Folk – A Dash of Jazz. A sure-fire recipe for an evening of fun as Kathy, Tim, and Jerry swap stories and songs gathered from two great American traditions. Danville’s stories and songs are inspired by the recordings of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Peter Paul & Mary. Jerry’s grow from the recordings of Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, and Ella Fitzgerald. Feel free to tap your foot, sing along, or roll back the carpet and dance! Purchase your ticket online or by phone. You will be sent the livestream link a few days before the concert. Each ticket includes: a private link to the livestream concert and a watch party kit for two filled with salty and sweet snacks that you can pick up at the Heyde Center anytime the week before the show. For the tech savvy, there will be an option to send comments to the performers. No need to worry about the weather, or getting out of your comfy clothes to enjoy this unique event. Tickets: $15